
Order on submitted matter

  • Housing Accountability Act
  • Los Altos
  • SB35
  • State Density Bonus

SB 35

Passed in 2017, SB 35 allows projects that meet certain affordability and design requirements to take advantage of a ministerial permitting process. The requirements to qualify are as follows: Affordability requirements: A project must have a percentage of units set aside as affordable to households making 80% or less of the Area Median Income For localities that have not met their RHNA allocations for above moderate income households the affordability threshold is 10%. For localities that have not met their RHNA allocations for households making 80% of AMI and lower the affordability threshold is 50%. 2/3rds of the square footage of the project must be designated for residential use, this includes residential parking garages. The project must provide prevailing wage for construction workers. 75% of the adjoining parcels must be urban uses. Must be located within a city. Must consist of two or more units. A ministerial approval process requires no public hearings and gives decision-making authority on a permitting matter to the agency tasked with evaluating permit applications. A permitting agency may still decline an application but they can only do so if it violates specific objective zoning or design standards. If a proposed project is found to violate […]

  • SB35

Vallco Site, Cupertino

  • CaRLA Letters
  • Cupertino
  • Housing Accountability Act
  • SB35


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