Fair Housing

Fair Housing Assessments

On May 18, 2018, the Federal Department of Housing and Urban Development issued the following press release, announcing their withdrawl of a tool used for local governments to assess their progress in Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing. Within minutes of its deletion from the internet, we were able to provide this restored version to the public:

  • Fair Housing

How to lose an FHA case

Sue a city that already permits a disproportionately large share of the region’s low-income housing; As your primary evidence of both disparate treatment and disparate impact, cite an ordinance requiring rental units to be free of conditions “that would constitute a hazard to the health and safety of the occupants” without providing any examples of selective enforcement; Only bring up the segregation-preserving effect of the city’s comprehensive plan in the course of arguing that said health/safety regulation is itself discriminatory.

  • Fair Housing


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