by Dylan Casey | May 1, 2020 | Uncategorized
Today, rent is due for millions of renters throughout California, many of whom will not be able to pay due to loss of income caused by the pandemic. We have seen the adoption of eviction moratoria throughout the country, a necessary measure to keep renters safe and in...
by CaRLA | Apr 28, 2020 | Uncategorized
Last year, we filed a lawsuit against the City of Los Altos for denying an affordable housing development in violation of SB35 shortly after it was enacted. Today, we’re excited to announce our victory in court. Not only did we win, our hard-fought ruling solidifies...
by Dylan Casey | Dec 2, 2019 | Uncategorized
A few months back, Huntington Beach denied a proposed 48-unit housing development right near the beach on Ellis Avenue. The project is located within the special district that is the subject of the state’s housing element lawsuit against the city. The project...
by Dylan Casey | Nov 27, 2019 | Education, Uncategorized
Yesterday, the California 6th District Court of Appeals definitively concluded in Anderson v City of San Jose that housing is indeed a statewide concern worthy of statewide legislative intervention. The ruling supports the steps taken by the California legislature to...
by CaRLA | Nov 12, 2019 | Uncategorized
Today we received our first–and so far, only–real loss in the courtroom. The good news is that we were correct in asserting that this case strikes at the heart of “local control” in California. The bad news is that the judge upheld the city’s decision to...
by CaRLA | Nov 8, 2019 | Uncategorized
Its been one heckuva year, huh? This year CaRLA sued more cities, taught some workshops, and triplexized the entire State of California. Just small stuff, you know? To celebrate, please join us for our first ever end of the year fundraiser party! We’re still in...